Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mid-Way Appraisal: Catch-22, by Joseph Heller

So, I've only read about 1/3 of this novel so far, but I thought I'd give an update.

With so many characters right from the very beginning, I was feeling a little confused. Is it imperative that I be aware of EVERYONE that makes an appearance in this book? Who is the MAIN character, the protagonist, the person in the story with whom I should be relating? Will there be a quiz?

Despite my myriad questions, I trudged onward through the reading, hoping it would all come together for me in time.

It didn't. But it's awesome.

Silly does not even remotely describe the ridiculous antics that go on in this book, Monty-Python-style, and I LOVE it! I can almost hear my high school English teacher describing Catch-22 as one of the foremost satires of the time, but that makes the novel seem, well, educational. That is not how I would describe it, though. Slapstick at times, asinine at others, hilarious always: Catch-22 (so far) is a great choice!


Emy said...

This seems like an entertaining read! Thanks for sharing.

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Following from the blog boost. I'd really appreciate a follow back? :)

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Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm following you back! :) Hope you have an awesome day!


Songberries said...

I'm not trying to be a stalker, but I'm following you here too!

Unknown said...

Following from the blog hop. Hope you can follow back.
God Bless,

Unknown said...

Thanks for following...I'm returning the favor!

Marci said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog. I am following this one as well as your other one.
Have a great day!

Nancy said...

I am a new follower, I hope you will stop by and check out my blog and follow me back. Thanks!
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow. I love doing book reviews. In fact I just posted one. I am now a follower of yours.